Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I beleave dreams are God's way of communicating with us. We just don't always open our minds to remember or understand the dream. I always try to make since of a dream like last night...I had a very bad dream. It seemed to go on and on getting worse as it went. I woke up a few time and felt as if my heart was frozen. When I went back to sleep the dream would keep going incorporating the wake up into it. As I woke up this morning and relized it was all just a dream I thanked God. I thanked him because it WAS just a dream and I thanked him for the dream because I learned a valuable leason from it. Life is short and you don't know what will happen minute to minute so love yourself and the ones who love you. Let them know how important they are and when your patients runs thin with a loved one remember before you act you may not have them tomorrow. KEEP DREAMING =)

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