Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Ahhh...Back to school! It is so biter sweet for me ). My days can be so hectic when the kids are in school and I do miss them. However I get the house clean (and it stays that way) and I get a break. When the kids are home the house is always a mess and things are loud but I have them safe with me. I don't have to worry about what time it is, homework and bedtimes. I think it is nice to have a little of both. Just when you get tired of the hectic scedule it's the weekend, summer break or a holiday and just when you get a headache school starts again. It's kind of like the seasons, just when it's to hot fall comes and just when it's to cold spring comes.

Sick Child

Day five of school and I already have a child home sick with a sore throat and fever. I’m sure the other three will soon follow and just when I am exhausted from taking care of four sick kids for three or four weeks straight it will be the biggest baby of them alls turn…my husband. Then when I think I in the clean and I get the house to myself again it will be my turn and there will be no one here to take care of me. Oh well! Guess I can’t win them all!

The News Dog

This morning as I loaded my kids in the van to take them to school, I noticed a dog watching us. The dog just stood there and watched. A few minutes later as I was backing out of the drive, the newspaper man came by. The dog watched him as he through a newspaper into the neighbors driveway. Then he watched the man til he rounded the corner then grabed the newspaper and headed back to his house (next door to my neighbors). Now that is one way to get a free paper LOL!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Stop Signs

Everyday when I bring my kids to school and pick them up I come to the same 2 way stop. I have to make a left across traffic at this stop. All the cars on the other side always stop and go or roll and go, never paying me any mind. This morning I sat there while 10 car just rolled and went. I was taught that the first car to get to the stop sign goes first. Keeping in mind if I am makinfg a left across traffic there could be times someone (on the other side) is making a right with traffic and may be able to safely go before me. To me it just makes since and is fair. Why is everyone always in such a hurry! If I was not a patient person this could easily turn into road rage.